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Unfinished Dragosia

Oekaki @dA

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Unfinished Dragosia

vi by Dragosia

vi by Dragosia
vi by Dragosia
Added: 14:16, 13 Oct 2007
OekakiBBS (33m 27s)
Board: tira

No comments on this picture

-*_*- by Dragosia

-*_*- by Dragosia
-*_*- by Dragosia
Added: 00:10, 17 May 2006
PaintBBS (56m 32s)
Board: tira

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a by Dragosia

a by Dragosia
a by Dragosia
Added: 22:43, 4 Nov 2005
PaintBBS (1h 55m 43s)
Board: tira

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Music by Dragosia

Music by Dragosia
Music by Dragosia
Added: 13:53, 28 Jul 2005
PaintBBS (1h 12m 46s)
Board: tira


hmf...coś mi tu brakuje
Dragosia - 13:53, 28 Jul 2005 - Last changed: 13:56, 28 Jul 2005

.. 5 last comments



no mi tez...moze daj jakis dodatke np. zegarek?? bo tak to troche lyso
ali - 14:31, 28 Jul 2005


i ma głupi wyraz twarzy, dopiero teraz to zobaczyłam ... -_-
Dragosia - 19:44, 28 Jul 2005