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Unfinished chelseychan

Oekaki @dA

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Unfinished chelseychan

Deal with the Devil by chelseychan

Deal with the Devil by chelseychan
Deal with the Devil by chelseychan
Added: 00:53, 27 Sep 2009
Shi Painter (1h 9m 55s)
Board: tira
Awaited by: 2


What's THIS?!?!
FAN ART?!?!?!?!?

Edit: 9/27/09
I redrew the arm (thank you for the crits.) and the whole face! I think it looks a lot better now.
If you see anything that needs work let me know. :)

Edit: 10/03/09

Finally! Drew the whole point of the picture. I'll have more soon.
chelseychan - 00:53, 27 Sep 2009 - Last changed: 05:51, 4 Oct 2009

.. 5 last comments



nice one, i can see a progress while looking on all Your works ;)
gonna watch it till the end :)
kabat - 01:03, 27 Sep 2009


I like it.
VampireGirl - 11:22, 22 Apr 2010