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All by Angelblaze

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All by Angelblaze

House of insanity by Angelblaze

House of insanity by Angelblaze
House of insanity by Angelblaze
Added: 14:40, 3 May 2011
Shi Painter (15m 57s)
Board: tira


yeah I know it looks like crap but it was a request to make it look like this.
Angelblaze - 14:40, 3 May 2011 - Last changed: 14:40, 3 May 2011

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by Angelblaze

 by Angelblaze
by Angelblaze
Added: 03:50, 2 May 2011
Shi Painter (20m 55s)
Board: tira

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Nyan Cat by Angelblaze

Nyan Cat by Angelblaze
Nyan Cat by Angelblaze
Added: 20:58, 28 Apr 2011
Shi Painter (14m 30s)
Board: tira


Angelblaze - 20:58, 28 Apr 2011 - Last changed: 00:50, 30 Apr 2011

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Edgar Allen Poe - The Raven by Angelblaze

Edgar Allen Poe - The Raven by Angelblaze
Edgar Allen Poe - The Raven by Angelblaze
Added: 17:32, 28 Apr 2011
Shi Painter (34m 5s)
Board: tira


Something I made for something else, hope you like it :3
Angelblaze - 17:32, 28 Apr 2011 - Last changed: 17:33, 28 Apr 2011

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Standing Out by Angelblaze

Standing Out by Angelblaze
Standing Out by Angelblaze
Added: 18:46, 5 Apr 2011
Shi Painter (15m 22s)
Board: tira


Screw the rest of you and your goddamn conforminty I do whatever the hell I want :3
Angelblaze - 18:46, 5 Apr 2011 - Last changed: 18:46, 5 Apr 2011

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Zero's Regret by Angelblaze

Zero's Regret by Angelblaze
Zero's Regret by Angelblaze
Added: 16:38, 4 Apr 2011
Shi Painter (39m 57s)
Board: tira


Ahhh a Code Geass based pic and the first pic where i can actually stand back and say...'Girl...ya did good!' :D finally something I'm satisified with :333
Angelblaze - 16:38, 4 Apr 2011 - Last changed: 16:39, 4 Apr 2011

.. 5 last comments



how come you put it in a pixelart contest?
gantzer - 20:52, 4 Apr 2011 - Last changed: 20:52, 4 Apr 2011


pixel art contest? X.x did I put it in there?!
Angelblaze - 02:31, 5 Apr 2011


gantzer - 22:23, 5 Apr 2011

Happy Face by Angelblaze

Happy Face by Angelblaze
Happy Face by Angelblaze
Added: 01:12, 3 Apr 2011
Shi Painter (19m 47s)
Board: tira

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Claire Redfield (remade) by Angelblaze

Claire Redfield (remade) by Angelblaze
Claire Redfield (remade) by Angelblaze
Added: 01:24, 7 Mar 2011
Shi Painter (24m 17s)
Board: tira


Fixed it and made it prettier :3
Angelblaze - 01:24, 7 Mar 2011 - Last changed: 01:24, 7 Mar 2011

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Dark Raven by Angelblaze

Dark Raven by Angelblaze
Dark Raven by Angelblaze
Added: 03:38, 27 Feb 2011
Shi Painter (25m 31s)
Board: tira

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Feather by Angelblaze

Feather by Angelblaze
Feather by Angelblaze
Added: 00:16, 17 Jan 2011
Shi Painter (21m 37s)
Board: tira

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The Necromancer by Angelblaze

The Necromancer by Angelblaze
The Necromancer by Angelblaze
Added: 22:27, 14 Jan 2011
Shi Painter (45m 19s)
Board: tira

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The Necromancer (no color) by Angelblaze

The Necromancer (no color) by Angelblaze
The Necromancer (no color) by Angelblaze
Added: 04:07, 16 Jan 2011
Shi Painter (45m 43s)
Board: tira

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ArcAngel by Angelblaze

ArcAngel by Angelblaze
ArcAngel by Angelblaze
Added: 19:28, 31 Dec 2010
Shi Painter (50m 13s)
Board: tira

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Falling In Love by Angelblaze

Falling In Love by Angelblaze
Falling In Love by Angelblaze
Added: 22:41, 27 Jun 2010
Shi Painter Pro (20m 53s)
Board: tira


Ahhhh I wish I had a tablet. I couldve done an awesome background, You're free to edit and finish this picture for me, it was alot of fun to draw. Hope you like it.
Angelblaze - 22:41, 27 Jun 2010 - Last changed: 23:53, 2 Dec 2010

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Technology by Angelblaze

Technology by Angelblaze
Technology by Angelblaze
Added: 21:24, 16 Nov 2010
Shi Painter (19m 54s)
Board: tira


Technology is awesome.....shes in an oxygen tank.
Angelblaze - 21:24, 16 Nov 2010 - Last changed: 21:25, 16 Nov 2010

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by Angelblaze

 by Angelblaze
by Angelblaze
Added: 03:56, 28 Oct 2010
Shi Painter (13m 45s)
Board: tira


Nexon and dungeon fighter... ah yes. The most unbalanced thing in the whole world. Arguement picture time!
Nexon : We're fixing it.
Me : WHEN?
Nexon : Soon
Angelblaze - 03:56, 28 Oct 2010 - Last changed: 03:59, 28 Oct 2010

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Beautiful Sunrise by Angelblaze

Beautiful Sunrise by Angelblaze
Beautiful Sunrise by Angelblaze
Added: 17:47, 12 Sep 2010
Shi Painter (13m 20s)
Board: tira


yaaaay just a little drawing i made.....i hope you like it ^_^
Angelblaze - 17:47, 12 Sep 2010 - Last changed: 17:48, 12 Sep 2010

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Looking At Myself by Angelblaze

Looking At Myself by Angelblaze
Looking At Myself by Angelblaze
Added: 04:30, 20 Aug 2010
Shi Painter (12m 43s)
Board: tira


I wanted to draw something that looks sorta.....okay i just wanted to draw a guy for once. (the first picture i submitted didnt count. lol.) hes look like hes been through sum serious shit, this is kinda like a picture of him about to take a shower, you one of those glass sorta see through showers? you can kinda sorta see your reflection in there.....
Angelblaze - 04:30, 20 Aug 2010 - Last changed: 04:33, 20 Aug 2010

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Spirit Of Wind by Angelblaze

Spirit Of Wind by Angelblaze
Spirit Of Wind by Angelblaze
Added: 23:29, 10 Aug 2010
Shi Painter (12m 31s)
Board: tira


I liked drawingf this. Lots of fun.
Angelblaze - 23:29, 10 Aug 2010 - Last changed: 23:30, 10 Aug 2010

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Succubus by Angelblaze

Succubus by Angelblaze
Succubus by Angelblaze
Added: 18:12, 25 Jul 2010
Shi Painter (28m 28s)
Board: tira


i softened the background, sorry for crappy translation......i wuv you alllll
Edit : Softened the body too.
Angelblaze - 18:12, 25 Jul 2010 - Last changed: 01:03, 4 Sep 2010

.. 5 last comments



hm, better change the comment back into english, we can barely understand it ^^'
Arshana - 00:08, 16 Aug 2010


and worry not - most users speak English, so there is no need to translate your comments (especially when a good eng-pl translator is yet to be made) :)
I like your design, but I think that using layers would help you with your drawings, make it simpler if you know what I mean ;] If you put colouring on different layer than lineart your works would look much neater ^^
Strzyga - 09:22, 16 Aug 2010


i did use the layers hehehe....I wanted the skin to kinda blend in. I think the reason it looks like that is cause i used water.
Angelblaze - 22:17, 16 Aug 2010


I think if sketch and colours are on different layers there's one thing that should be done. Mayby colours layer has higher priority then sketch/lineart, you can switch priority layer by drag and drop on layer palette. Check also on with layer u are actually works, maybe colours have both layers. I hope you can undersdand what i mean.
immortalius - 22:51, 16 Aug 2010

The Dark Princess by Angelblaze

The Dark Princess by Angelblaze
The Dark Princess by Angelblaze
Added: 23:09, 27 Jun 2010
Shi Painter Pro (22m 53s)
Board: tira


AHHH omg evil princess, lol. I quick drew this without a tablet forgive me. I hope you like this, I don't know where the 'dark princess' thing came from, but please note the dark colored eyes and the whip in her hand. This was sorta fun to draw, and it my second upload within an hour long time first nice.
Angelblaze - 23:09, 27 Jun 2010 - Last changed: 23:11, 27 Jun 2010

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Dark Alice by Angelblaze

Dark Alice by Angelblaze
Dark Alice by Angelblaze
Added: 17:17, 8 Aug 2010
Shi Painter (52m 6s)
Board: tira


Oh dark alice~
With heart of malice~
Do not attack the wonderland~
with any army~
nor sword in hand~
Or else the death of you will be alarming~
on the rabbit's clock~
With soul of black and tongue of silver~
you shall corrupt the wonderland~
and then, oh then we shall deliver~
the darkest of things~
The new title of red queen shall be bestowed to you~
And with a curse and black angel wing~
you shall be destroyed and sent into the depths~
Of the wonderland's hell.~
With purple doors~
Horrors galore await you~
For us the people of wonderland~
We may just always hate you.

Angelblaze - 17:17, 8 Aug 2010 - Last changed: 17:43, 8 Aug 2010

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Cute Princess by Angelblaze

Cute Princess by Angelblaze
Cute Princess by Angelblaze
Added: 02:44, 9 Aug 2010
Shi Painter (31m 53s)
Board: tira


I'll finish this later..hopefully...(looks at all her unfinished drawings* ummm....yeah...I really need to get to those.
Angelblaze - 02:44, 9 Aug 2010 - Last changed: 02:18, 10 Aug 2010

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Link by Angelblaze

Link by Angelblaze
Link by Angelblaze
Added: 21:03, 26 Dec 2010
Shi Painter Pro (27m 7s)
Board: tira


Gift for friend. made with my new tablet. Thanks mom and dad.
Angelblaze - 21:03, 26 Dec 2010 - Last changed: 21:14, 26 Dec 2010

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The Life of The Party by Angelblaze

The Life of The Party by Angelblaze
The Life of The Party by Angelblaze
Added: 01:04, 21 Jan 2011
Shi Painter (1h 4m 53s)
Board: tira

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by Angelblaze

 by Angelblaze
by Angelblaze
Added: 00:27, 13 Apr 2011
Shi Painter (18m 7s)
Board: tira

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Sine by Angelblaze

Sine by Angelblaze
Sine by Angelblaze
Added: 02:21, 1 May 2011
Shi Painter (43m 1s)
Board: tira

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