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All by nazur

african boy by nazur

african boy by nazur
african boy by nazur
Added: 21:04, 16 Nov 2009
Shi Painter (32m 55s)
Board: tira


for almost 15 minutes i was thinking what to draw, and here you are - i wanted to draw something for the contest about africa, and in google i found this -> » link . check this album out, cause my friend told me that there are some absolutely breathtaking photos.
eh, i should do something with this scrap, but as you know, when i put here unfinished works, usually i dont want to finish them XP
enjoy xxx
nazur - 21:04, 16 Nov 2009 - Last changed: 21:17, 16 Nov 2009

.. 5 last comments



i like him:)
Kirotasmara - 16:29, 17 Nov 2009


thanks :D
nazur - 20:42, 17 Nov 2009

by nazur

 by nazur
by nazur
Added: 17:46, 3 Oct 2009
Shi Painter (53m 34s)
Board: tira
Awaited by: 7

.. 5 last comments



just testing this program :P
i should put it into place for "undone" works, but first i have to figure this website out lol
nazur - 17:50, 3 Oct 2009


hey niiiice, youre doing pretty well. Im jealous! =^w^=
NateRiver - 22:04, 3 Nov 2009


jealous of this crap? don't be :P
nazur - 16:39, 4 Nov 2009

my dream by nazur

my dream by nazur
my dream by nazur
Added: 19:47, 3 Nov 2009
Shi Painter (28m 6s)
Board: tira
Awaited by: 1


that was freaky dream. it reminds me a painting from "fire walk with me", or something like this. i know it was a twin peaks prequel, but i really don't remember the actual title :P:P
anyway in this crazy dream i had to pick up this blue ball, but it was too haevy O.o
when i was drawing this, i wanted to delete this ball, and draw there a girl, but this shit is too small to draw there any details :/
and i won't end this crap
nazur - 19:47, 3 Nov 2009 - Last changed: 19:58, 3 Nov 2009

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vaccine day by nazur

vaccine day by nazur
vaccine day by nazur
Added: 20:34, 3 Nov 2009
Shi Painter (39s)
Board: tira


somethin weird happened to my tablet, so i'll end this up as soon as possible :P
nazur - 20:34, 3 Nov 2009 - Last changed: 20:37, 3 Nov 2009

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portrait by nazur

portrait by nazur
portrait by nazur
Added: 21:28, 29 Jan 2010
Shi Painter (1h 22m 4s)
Board: tira


this supposed to be Claudia from Interview with vapmire
i'll try to do something tomorrow with this picture. I will.
nazur - 21:28, 29 Jan 2010 - Last changed: 21:36, 29 Jan 2010

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