
Last version


no offense intended!
no meaning behind this pic, it was just for fun. °__°
but if someone find it offending i'll put at least mature filter on *_* .. or delete it ^^,


ProgramShi Painter
Added00:27, 23 Jul 2010
Modified14:00, 25 Jul 2010
Time summary6h 21m 29s
(14:00, 25 Jul 2010)



<insert creative title here> by ban
v1 by ban
00:27, 23 Jul 2010
2h 24m 57s
<insert creative title here> by ban
v2 by ban
21:59, 23 Jul 2010
2h 35m 13s
hahahaha...ha...ha A_A i'm so ... soooo unbelievable...»
<insert creative title here> by ban
v3 by ban
13:55, 25 Jul 2010
1h 21m 19s
no offense intended! no meaning behind this...»
View version history


Views2 481

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  1. wela - 14:08, 25 Jul 2010
  2. Devil - 14:12, 25 Jul 2010
  3. caria00 - 14:15, 25 Jul 2010
  4. Madlen-chan - 14:32, 25 Jul 2010
  5. Kyasarin - 14:39, 25 Jul 2010
  6. Liska - 14:39, 25 Jul 2010
  7. Evelyn - 14:39, 25 Jul 2010
  8. SkyBySky - 14:50, 25 Jul 2010
  9. Kirotasmara - 15:00, 25 Jul 2010
  10. Arshana - 15:07, 25 Jul 2010
  11. Hatomi - 15:15, 25 Jul 2010
  12. K2chan - 16:59, 25 Jul 2010
  13. OfeliaHinataUzumaki - 17:54, 25 Jul 2010
  14. ashy - 18:42, 25 Jul 2010
  15. Seras - 19:03, 25 Jul 2010
  16. Graga_G - 20:46, 25 Jul 2010
  17. maddlen93 - 20:49, 25 Jul 2010
  18. nohime - 22:05, 25 Jul 2010
  19. faux0pas - 22:09, 25 Jul 2010
  20. Rahead - 18:33, 26 Jul 2010
  21. Raixly - 20:57, 26 Jul 2010
  22. harunagisa - 21:22, 26 Jul 2010
  23. Rokiaa - 18:48, 27 Jul 2010
  24. kabat - 16:08, 28 Jul 2010
  25. kiss93 - 11:42, 30 Jul 2010
  26. Shiinu - 01:31, 31 Jul 2010
  27. paula303 - 21:22, 31 Jul 2010
  28. 6raisa9 - 00:02, 1 Aug 2010
  29. Reya - 11:47, 2 Aug 2010
  30. Clover - 21:30, 4 Aug 2010
  31. anjamarie - 11:53, 8 Aug 2010
  32. Lucca - 20:10, 27 Oct 2010
  33. Aloufino - 20:47, 10 Jan 2011
  34. Utopya - 12:04, 20 Feb 2011
  35. AkumaAgma - 15:43, 10 Oct 2012
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  37. Anusiak - 23:57, 28 Jul 2018

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<insert creative title here> by ban

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<insert creative title here> by ban - 00:27, 23 Jul 2010

err °_° hello guys~

i... i did it again D:
i always do it...
FACES! goddamn... *sigh*
one day, i'll do something different, i swear.
i don't like doing faces all the time.. but.. i couldnt resist... ; ;

lets see how i can push this further~ >_O




WoooW~!!! *o*
#1 Devil - 07:09, 23 Jul 2010


it's amazing. When it is so good you have todo it again and again and again! :D

and i know the feeling.. but faces are most fun to draw! XD
#2 Rahead - 15:26, 23 Jul 2010 - Last changed: 15:26, 23 Jul 2010


but it's an interesting one - face I mean ;)
#3 Nauzykaja - 17:51, 23 Jul 2010


hehe, dziękuję guys~ <3

and i guess you are right Rahead, but drawing hands is fun too! xD
#4 ban - 19:18, 23 Jul 2010


why do something different when u totally rock in faces ;D
this totally reminds me to claymore, >:D
#5 loos - 19:03, 25 Jul 2010


i don't rock at doing faces T_T i just can 2 perspectives... argh
but thanks anyway! ^__^

claymore... is that a manga? i'm not into that kind of stuff... lalala xD'
#6 ban - 22:54, 30 Jul 2010