UmiSona 4 - The Humans by bbchan01
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Before the computer so rudely cut me off from saying how it was EVIL, AND ANNOYING and just... dxfjkopgfd
Made from slamming my hand down into the keyboard - dxfjkopgfd is a word of rage.
But anyways; fun-time casting cross-over thing that I did with my sister for Umineko and Persona 4. It's mind-warping and confusing with lots of mind loops and time paradoxes. It's awesome like that! 8D
On this side there will beeeee;
Chie - Jessica
Kanji - George
Nanako - Maria
Yukiko - Shannon
Naoto - Kanon
Yosuke - Amakusa
Souji - Ange
Nice! UuU