Drawing in my dream by RelenaXX
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-jeszcze może coś zmienię ;P
-Przerobiłam swój stary badziewny rysunek ....to tez nie za pikne więc chyba coś pozmieniam XD
Of this world, the end is coming Dreams and hopes do not matter
Inside your heart, you are sleeping but you will not wake up Feel the hand of a future that cannot be changed
Burning for your life This life will burn out someday, even if you try to cling to it (for the perfect dream) Drowning in my dream Even if it's remembered, a dream is only a dream You are star light
In that world, overflowing with shines Your spirit will die out Soon after the delivery of love by a wishing angel, With it's hand, stopping the end of the future
Drowning for my life Someday it will hit, this life cannot go back
Oł. jakie ciacho... *ślin śliń* xD