Episode 2: Lulu by loos
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dunno, was inspired by the smexy outfits of lady gaga x3
sowwwyyyyyyyyyyyy ; o ;
next time, i hope my co-host is awake too :x
stay tuned for the next contestant!

Bawwww, I'm sorryyyyy D: I went mount-hiking on Sunday-Monday and on Tuesday every part of my body hurt like hell I couldn't even wake up to get online~ >_<;;Well then.. see you next month I guess...(/≧▽≦)/ ⌒ Have fun in Vietnam! ☆☆
#3 harunagisa - 05:24, 22 Jul 2009

Girls do mount hiking, too *pout*Btw, oooo <3333 I just saw -myself- sleeping on the left cornerrrrr C'x The color is so light my lame eyes missed it x)
I must remember drawing ourselves next time D: I forgot it twice already D:
#5 harunagisa - 04:31, 31 Aug 2009
My cruel naughty host didn't wake me up for delicious boy! щ(゚Д゚щ) *cries*Ohoho, with that outfit he could beat all Knights of Round with one wink! ;DDDD D'aww his poor birdie is gone... ;_; I must stay awake next time, can't let another boy slip away! >D