Random Comic II by KulockDarkness
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Kind of random, huh? l D;#2 KulockDarkness - 19:14, 28 Jan 2010
Or maybe my random comic suck? xD;#3 KulockDarkness - 19:16, 28 Jan 2010
Yeeeaaahh...I was having a hard time putting words in the comic because it was so small <l D;;Well, I can read them to you, I guess <l D;;
Michiru: Hey Virgil! Can you read this book for me? *in her mind* Heh
Virgil: *sigh* Michiru, why can't you read it yourself? *noices that there a Yaoi Manga book in the Fiction Book* . . .
Michiru: What wrong, Virgil? You can't read too?
Virgil: *grabbed a cleaver*
Michiru: Ummm... Virgil is that Ryuugu Rena cleaver you stole? *sweatdrop*
If you're talking about the book. Michiru actually put a Yaoi Manga book in the fiction book just to trick him since Virgil is traumatized what he see in a Yaoi Manga book <l D;
Sorry if it doesn't make sense <l D;;
The whole point of this Random Comic is that Michiru is pulling a prank on Virgil by tricking him reading Yaoi Manga book l D;;
#5 KulockDarkness - 19:35, 28 Jan 2010
Ok, I changed the words at the last panel just to make more sense to it <l D;;#6 KulockDarkness - 19:45, 28 Jan 2010
Ok, I think I found the problem. The title was all messed up because I am such a dumbass that I didn't see that ;;D lI am really sorry about the confusing ^^;
#7 KulockDarkness - 00:14, 29 Jan 2010