GNostril Gnome by Itchy_Foot
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The Gnostril Gnome belongs to a rare tribe of gnome that is only found in the mountain valley of Dragon Springs. Gnostril Gnomes are nomadic, traveling from pool to pool, living off the fish and various invertebrates found in the mud. Their uncanny physical resemblence to the nose is thanks to their cultural habit of fashioning masks after their most sacred site of Epistaxis Falls, inhabited by an elemental and which resembles a giant granite nose having a watery nosebleed.
When not fishing and setting up camp, Gnostril Gnomes, have been known to harass and raid the local xenophobic draconic-worshipping wood elf settlements for woodcarving instruments, hat cloth, shiny jewelary, various foodstuffs, and small children. Yummy.
Various cultural notes:
Piecred masks detonate warriors while mustached individuals are elders.Females are scarce and tend to marry a set of brothers. One brother stays to protect the camp while the rest go off raiding.
Random things:
Epistaxis, scientific name for uncontrolled nosebleeding. Yeah, I tend to put a lot of thought in to my creations, no matter how cracky.
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