

Got inspiration after looking at » link


ProgramShi Painter Pro
Added18:04, 6 May 2009
Modified19:34, 6 May 2009
Time summary46m 22s
(19:34, 6 May 2009)



Kira no Zetsu by jonig
v1 by jonig
18:04, 6 May 2009
46m 22s
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Kira no Zetsu by jonig

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Kira no Zetsu by jonig - 18:04,  6 May 2009




Lol, tira. Read rules.
#1 Olimanga - 18:07, 6 May 2009 - Last changed: 18:07, 6 May 2009


nice picture, but is tira ^^"
#2 Yian - 18:10, 6 May 2009


Tira D:
#3 Hatomi - 18:18, 6 May 2009


tira ;D
#4 inuyasha - 18:34, 6 May 2009


move it to tira and read the regulations.
#5 EdwardElric - 18:35, 6 May 2009


it's tira, but art is not bad
#6 YamiBakura - 18:37, 6 May 2009


1. Have you read the rules ?
2. As above...
#7 Nauzykaja - 18:43, 6 May 2009


Boards are the places where the pictures are grouped. The newer the picture is, the higher it is placed on the page. The last 5 comments and the basic information are shown next to each picture.

For the time being, there are 4 main boards on Oekaki:

Kaera – for highend manga stylized works;
Inne – for highend non-manga stylized works;
Level2 – for good yet somewhat lacking works - intermediate between Tira and Inne/Kaera;
Tira – training board and a start for people who are not familiar with Oekaki programs yet.
NOTE: The required quality of the pictures on the boards is not a secret. All you need to do is to take a look at them to know what level the boards represent.

says kaera for highend manga stylized art and tira for practice to get used to the program. I know how to use the program and i am diffinatly not practicing >.> and who is the judge what is high end. if to me the thing i was working on is highend? and say no its not worthy demean the work to the lowest form possible. 0 percent of people have commented on my work saying cool or not bad. only thing that comes out is TIRA TIRA TIRA. you suck bascially is what they are saying.
#8 jonig - 18:58, 6 May 2009 - Last changed: 19:00, 6 May 2009


it's not like this. the board doesn't only depend on how you think you know program or that you're practising or not. it also depends on artists' skills and opinion of the oe society. it's not the board which jugdes you but your own skill. TIRA is absolutely NOT an insult or "board for crap" as you said. for an example is this "crap" for you? work hard and someday you will reach kaera level if that matters so much to you...
who is the judge what is high end you ask? we are, the users of this oe site and all of us tell you to move your work to tira
(aaa sorki Arnes i sdevil, że tak bez zapytania, ale chciałam dobitnych przykładów ;>)
#9 Nanaa - 19:32, 6 May 2009 - Last changed: 19:32, 6 May 2009


Don't get too exited dear ;) we know what we are seeing - I can give you an advice : compare your work to others from Kaera and be honest with yourself ;)

Maybe you know how to use Shi, I know how to drive a car - but it does not make me an excellent driver ;)
Want some true ? Bad proportions, too short hands, head is too big (wider even then his hips), there is no background at all, no shading at all and the pose is simply boring. Yeah - it's not that bad - but check tira - you will find some really good works there.

We have an agreement - even if your work is good you're putting it on tira and wait for some opinions - if it's really good people will let you know and encourage you to change the board to level 2, if it's excellent - Kaera will be yours for sure.
#10 Nauzykaja - 19:42, 6 May 2009