love it. makes me think about the reason she didn't come and how long the old man's waiting for her.. I guess it's a sad story but it's adorable how all colours you use and your style makes it brighter.
There is no tool in chibipaint as in shipainter and other applets to draw easily a perfect circle. But you can use the pen or pencil (and probably the other) and disable the pressure near the opacity and the brush size by clicking on the little circle. And so if you play with the brush size, you can draw some sort of very big point (limited by the max size of the tool) and so a circle with full color. Use an eraser to only keep the shape of the circle. Hope it can help you :) Anyway thanks for your comment :)
i agree, it is amazing! I think the idea is wonderfull too. I'd love to see what comes out of it :D